Sunday 6 April 2014


Hey guys,
So today i spent most my day revising! woo fun i know aha. Anyways i know how most of my views are probably a similar age to me and how they would be starting to revise for exams as well, whether these maybe GCSEs or A-levels and what ever else there is, i thought i would share some revision techniques with you that i have found useful.

Step 1
Firstly i am a big fan of organisation, and honestly this will be you best friend thought out revision. So before you start organize. Go on a trip to WHsmiths and buy some note books, folders, new pens if your like me i had to go matching, but that's completely up to you! Make sure you get nice ones as these will make you want to revise more. Have one notebook and folder for each subject and organize all you spare sheets into wallets so that they are easy to find and not messily in your books.

Step 2
Stop organizing and get revising!
i was seriously bad at this, id be asked what i was doing and id always say organizing my revision now this is good for a while but i spent weeks when i should have been revising just reorganizing and reorganizing, untill i seriously thought i need to start revsing properly now.

Step 3
Get comfy,
Get set up at a table with everything you need.
θ Drink so you don't get dehydrated
θ a snack (cereal bars are great)
θ All the books that you will need
θ Paper and pens

Step 4
Always take a break from revising don't pressure yourself to keep going if you need to sleep.
Get at least 8 hours sleep,
Maybe a pamper session on Friday night with friends,
Relax or you will find it more stressful and it's not worth it!

Step 5
Do your best!
That is all you can do,
Revise as much as you can and try your best, don't be put in that position in summer when your saying to yourself I wish I had done more!

I know how stressful this time is, but keep calm and do your best and your all good:) I wish you the best of luck;)

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Posted via Blogaway

Posted via Blogaway

Posted via Blogaway

Montagne Jeunesse Face masks

Hey guys,
So i was thinking about what my first blog posts could be and i thought about products that i could review and share with you and this was a product that i tried for the first time the other week so here we go hope you enjoy:)

I was at my friends last week and we were having the general girly pamper night as you do, and she had brought two of the Montagne Jeunesse face masks in Pulped Pomegranate Passion Peel Off and honestly they smelt amazing, and were so easy to apply. It comes out like a gel and you just apply all over your face, once finished you can the relax for 15-20 mins and once it is dry all you have to do is peel it off. They are so easy to use and create no mess what so ever. They also give amazing results, you skin feels so soft and clean.
Each mask gives different results for example the Passion Peal Off gives a'deep cleanse, purity and protect' and it really does what it says,

After my first experience of these i went out to boots and brought some for myself to find that they are only £1 which is amazing for how good they are. I brought 3 other flavors the green tea peel off which is a detox and pore cleansing masque, the Blemish Mud which has Aloe Juice for blemish prone skin and also they Mud Pac for anti stress.

The peel off mask are my personal favorite because of how easy and mess free they are, i my younger cousin stayed round at the weekend and we used them and she loved them too, they are great for sleepovers and pamper nights.
The Mud masks are just as good however i would suggest that they are better for personal uses on you own as they are more messy and take alot more care and time however the results are amazing.

I would recommend these for everyone they are so easy and give amazing results and are also so fun to do:)

hope you enjoyed this review, leave you comments if you enjoy these type of things and other ideas or products you would like me to review thanks Charlotte-lily:)