Thursday, 30 October 2014

Halloween catwomen costume

Hey guys, so its halloween tomorrow and i havent done one post on it yet whoopss! So here it is a late, simple costume idea.

So if your like me and never know what to be and decide on the last night then heres an simple costume you can do with clothes you probably already have.

All you will need is black clothing i went for a black vest top (newlook) a leather jacket (h&m) some shiny leggings ( and heels (newlook) and some cat ears you can get these from most supermarkets on halloween mine also came with a bow tie which isnt quite catwoman from batman but it looks cute so your choice:) you can make this your own as well, so more practical without heels or a blazer instead of the leather jacket.

I hope this helps some of you with a halloween costume fast:) x


Monday, 6 October 2014

Duke of Edinburgh

Hey peopless,
Today i wanted to write about something i am very passionate about! I have had great experiences and want to share them with you so maybe you can try it out.
This thing is The Duke of Edinburgh award, i have been doing this for around 3 years now and have completed Bronze and have just finished by Silver expedition. I'm sure lots of you have heard of it but it is a very scary concept, walking for 2, 3 or 4 days and carrying all your food, tents and clothes with you at all times. So today i thought that id talk about my experiences and see if i could possibly change your opinion and see if you fancy trying it. I'm not saying you must do it but here is an insite to what its really like.
So firstly i want to clarify that it is difficult there is no doubt about it, it will test you physically and mentally but that is honestly the only downside.
The positives
Friends- you spend alot of time with these people and get thrown into deep end with them. Together you go though alot of laughs, chats and hard times and you have to support each other every step of the way. You get very close friends with your group and from my experience a DofE friend is a friend for life. They see you at your worst but still love you.
The acheievement- yes the walking is difficult but once you have finished you feel so proud of yourself and everyone in your group, you feel like the whole journey was worth it and that you had a great time.
What you get from it-As well as the experience of it, D of E is an amazing thing to put on your CV and is highly looked upon by all employeers and higher educations as it show commitment, motivation and team skills.
The doubts-
People worry about the camping and the walks, however thats the whole fun of it. It is scary and very much a challenge but thats what makes you stronger as a person.
Sorry that this got very long! I hope that this has helped some of you to make your decision whether you want to try The Duke of Edinburgh award and whether its for you!
Leave a comment on here or message me on twitter if you have any questions or worries and i will try to help:)
Hope you enjoyed this, let me know if you liked this style of blog! Thanks for reading:)
